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Reclaim YOU

This program is for you if:

  • You feel stuck or a deep dissatisfaction with your life but do not know why or where to start from to change how you feel.

  • You have lost your sense of purpose and want to reclaim yourself.

  • You have noticed repeated ways you behave and wish to change, but cannot do it alone.

  • You put your needs on hold to take care of the family. And now you're wondering  who you are beyond parenthood.

  • Or simply you feel now is the time to focus on your own personal growth.

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 Traditional approaches to changing behavior fail because they often rely on a cognitive understanding only and the self-discipline to choose a new behavior over a habitual behavior. They depend on willpower, and ignore the underlying structure of the habit itself - which is hardwired in your body's nervous system.

Reclaim YOU is a holistic program - cognitive, emotional & somatic.


Program steps

This is a fully personalized program where you bring in any issue that is causing you distress.

During the coaching program we will go deep to uncover the root cause of the issue. 






We identify and understand your current "story" (beliefs, emotions and thought patterns, your relationship with yourself, others and the environment).

This "story" has brought you to where you are today, but is unable to take you further to where you want to be in the future.



We will co-create a new and powerful "story" that will be able to carry you forward, towards your personal goals.



Personalized multi-level self-observations to understand the nature of your actions in a cognitive, emotional and somatic level. Personalized practices to learn new habits or unlearn conditioned behaviors.


Coaching is a collaborative process that is present and future oriented.

It is action-oriented, solution focused and encourages change. 

You need to be ready for change.


Start by booking a discovery call.

During this 30 minute call we will discuss what you are struggling with

and see whether we are a good fit to work together.



Recommended: 10-12 private sessions ​

(1 hour each)


CHF 120 per session


Online via Zoom

In person or walking sessions possible.

What is included:

  • Recorded sessions to review them at your convenience.

  • Personalized exercises and practices to raise awareness and build new habits.

  • Accountability support between sessions (texts or short calls upon agreement).

  • 1 complimentary follow-up session (30 min) 1 month after program completion.

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